Need a second opinion on handwriting. Necesito segunda...

Sorry - you wanted the city.


In a message dated 3/16/2011 8:43:54 P.M.

Chiapas has been posted at Family Search

Records from another state are now available at Family Search.


Need a second opinion on handwriting. Necesito segunda opinión con la letra.

I'm trying to decipher the name of the place where the child was born on an
image I found on familysearch.

Guanajuato, Michoacan, Morelos, and Puebla: New images posted at Family Search

New records for the states of Guanajuato, Michoacan, Morelos, and Puebla were posted at Family Search today.

Fwd: Rudi Rodriguez receiving THC 'Award of Excellence in Preserving History'

Good morning Joseph,

I thought the folks from our group might like this .

casualidades y coinsidencias Don MIguel Hidalgo y Costilla

Recordando al coronel Ignacio Obregòn (1808) y su esposa , ambos descendientes de los Alcocer , dueños de la hacienda de Corralejo+ donde se crio el coronel , pues era hijo

Ayuda para obtener un documento del AGN.

Hola compañeros de Nuestros Ranchos, tengo tiempo queriendo conseguir un testamento que se encuentra el el Archivo General de la Nación, pero lamentablemente yo no puedo ir a la Ciudad de México

Help with a Surname

Can any one tell me about the Name Tachiquin. My Great Grandfather's name is Pedro Tachiquin, we do not know anything about him except that he was indio, and from Nochistlan.

Fwd: Historian for Mazapil, Zacatecas

Welester Alvarado was kind enough to find the group a great resource for
the Mazapil, Zacatecas area.