Les Pido Su Ayuda: Tlaltenango Informacion Matrimonio

Les pido su ayuda en entender el nombre de mi 7 bisabuelo: En el primero
escan se mira que mi Abuelo Francisco Antonio Miramontes fue hijo de
Fancisco ????

Jose Pioquinto Abalos

I need some help in finding the grandparents of Jose Pioquinto Abalos, Bap. 16 May 1800 in Colotlan. His parents were Christobal Manuel Abalos and Justa Segunda Delgado. Thanks in advance,

Arizona Web Site for Birth & Death Certificates

Would you please add the following web site to the list of Links - Genealogy References and Resources: http://genealogy.az.gov (its free)

I am originally from Arizona and have used this site

New records on Family Search

New records have been posted on Family Search for Nayarit, Chiapas, and San Luis Potosi. The coverage for each state appears variable; with San Luis Potosi being somewhat limited.

Research Digest, Vol 63, Issue 12-Indexing

I would like to index in the states of Jalisco or Zacatecas. Just
let me know how and when I can start.

Death Certificates

Dear Group,
Is it possible to view TX death certificates dating 1980 and 1991 free online?  I've got the death info--dates and place--from familysearch, but no images available to view.  Other than