Consanguinidad Help
My 3rd great grandparents were Eulogio Alvarez Flores and Carmen Flores Gonzalez.
General Digest, Vol 65, Issue 11
From: ""
Sent: Fri, June 17,
Tal vez no sepan que existíamos.
Me he puesto a pensar si mis descendientes sabrán que existí.
Me di cuenta de que todo este tiempo he estado rescatando del olvido a
antepasados que murieron hace muchos años, pero que no he he
Auto Criminales
Greetings to all,
How would you translate auto criminales and what are the contents? I've attempted reading a couple and have found them very difficult to follow. Perhaps if I read them in the pr
New Member Introduction
Hello, my name is Gustavo Carrillo. I have been researching my
Carrillo lineage for some time now. I'm also glad for the
opportunity of joining this group. Even though most of my ancestors
Living history
So yesterday my 90 year old grandmother came for vacation. Already and she has been a great help in my quest for un-answered questions. I plan on recording / interviewing her as much as possible.
Anyone interested in the marriage record for Joseph Moreno de Ortega & Petrolina Ramirez?
Hello everyone,
I just found a record that has been eluding me for a very long time. If anyone is interested it is a very interesting read.
Are there any archives on information regarding Educational Background of Relatives back during Colonial Mexico Times?
Are their any archives on information about the educational background of relatives in our geneology tree going back to colonial times in Mexico?
New Member Introduction
Hi my name is Lynda Chavez and I must have made a mistake when I posted my introduction, I think that I only sent a link to one of my family lines.
Algunos Indices de registros parroquiales de Jalisco
Algunos indices de Bautismos y MAtrimonios de Tecolotlán, El Grullo, San MArtín Hidalgo, Jalisco.
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