Announce Digest, Vol 73, Issue 3 - Chris Pineda

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info. My Trevino paternal lineage includes Villarreal and Longoria.....have you done research on your wife's lines?

Como encontrar informacion de Aguascalientes en Family search

Alguien me podria ayudar diciendome como encontrar la informacion de nacimientos y matrimonios de Aguascalientes en family search


Traditional Foods in Mexico origin from Jewish?

In our village of Huejuquilla during Holy Week, we have "La Judea" festivities. During this week, we eat, "Capirotada" also we eat Pan Semanita. But I was looking at this article I just saw:

Document Help

I found this document but I cant read it I was wondering if anyone could help me, the link is

Dispensas help; Pinedo research

Hey everyone,

In my direct paternal ancestor search, I found the following record:

Gregorio Pinedo m.

Haciendas de Zacatecas/Jalisco

I've been visiting ex-haciendas in Zac, their is one that is borderline Zac/Jal it's name is "el terrero" it once belonged to el genereral Anacleto Lopez, who also lived in hacienda de "Viboras".


Can any one guide me towards defunciones in Matamoros, Coahuila, for the years, 1853-1854? My g,g,g,grandfather, Pablo Luna, died at that time span and location.

Proyecto Santa Anita - Terminado 1771 y 1772

Aquí el enlace, por supuesto que para nuestros amigos de NUESTROS RANCHOS, los archivos estan abiertos, solo tienen que mencionarlo.

Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and Josepha Alvarez Tostado

Hola Every one ,seeking out Lorenzo Alvarez Tostado and his first Wife Josepha Alvarez Tostado. Lorenzo was married to Josepha prior to 1725.

New Mexico & Zacatecas

These are my New Mexico ancestors from Zacatecas.

Catalina Herrera de Cantillana married to Juan Montes Vigil II from Zacatecas on 21 Jun 1619 in Zacatecas [9th great grandparents]