Church records for Tomatlan, Jalisco
I cant seem to find any church records for Tomatlan, Jalisco. I heard the church had burned however am unsure if all records were lost.
Need help on several names: Espejo, Gomez, Biebiesca, Rubio, Cortes, Maciel, de Leon, de Anda, etc...
Hi to all,
I've come to the end of several lines and need help going back further. Any leads/help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Info needed on persons in Parentheses ""
Thank you, Joseph...well said!
The French and Mariachis
I have run into this assertion quite often and it has never been true in my area (except a couple of times)for most people.
I have no idea why this vexing myth continues.
< I was al
Race: Time To Move On
Seldom do I get involved in interfering with a topic, but I was wondering if
there is an interest in setting up a subset of the group that would have
FULL rein to talk about anything absolutely
My MtDNA Results - to Armando
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Mi primer Frances, my first Frenchman ever
Attached is the link to the frenchman I was referring to who was from Jalpa Zacatecas and he married in Nochistlan.
I need help understanding old Spanish handwriting
I have an image of a marriage record, but I am having trouble understanding the handwriting. Is there someone here who can translate the document for me.
Research Digest, Vol 78, Issue 5
Patty Haro buenas noches.-
Agradezco de antemano tu ayuda y atenciones, estoy agregando la informacion
que hace aprox.