Baptism records for Maria de la Torre, Zacatecas?
What church records should I be searching to find a baptism record from 1827?
Help reading the marriage doc.
I can't decode what this document is saying so if anyone one can please help.
DNA of The Denisovens of Siberia
Today while driving home from work, I was listening to NPR specifically to the California Report about a just published study in a science journal about the DNA findings of the Denisovens.
Research, Patricia Gómez left a message for you
Patricia Gómez left a message for you
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Can't find the marriage record of Sebastian Munoz and Sostenes Aguirre
Iv'e been trying to look for these two individuals baptism records or marriage records but nothing.The only info that i have on them is the following Sebastian Munoz from La Jabonera Nochistlan Zacate
Libro Familias Antiguas de Tlaltenango
En estos dias hice una queja a la empresa LuLu que distribuye el libro de Familias antiguas de Tlaltenango, ya que hice mi pedido desde el 14 de junio de este ano y aun no lo he recibido, la empresa s
Two Family Tree Tools
For people looking for genealogy software:
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Garza Pantoja