Help locating this marriage record

I was trying to locate the marriage record of Francisco Duran and Dorotea Lozano on family search.So they married on Feb 14 1776n in Nochistlan Zac ,Family Search seems to skip almost the whole year o


Good morning,

Can anyone, please, tell me about this Hacienda? Or a reference, or two? One of my Gomez abuelos was born there.

Thank you.

Paul Gomez
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

baptismal records rincon de romos 1762 - 1769


Hoping someone can help me.

I can't find the bapt records for Rincon de Romos between 1762 - 1769.

Maria Velasco

Does anyone have any information on Maria Velasco married to Geronimo Orosco in Aguascalientes in early 1600? Thanks for your help.

Updated GEDCOM Family Tree

I updated my GEDCOM Family Tree here at Nuestros Ranchos

Katy Brecht

I want to publicly thank my cousin Katy Brecht for all her incredible research in our family genealogy and helping me maintain accurate records!

Document Sources

I use Reunion 9 for my family tree information. What is the best way to cite a specific image, from the Family Search website?


Alvarez-Tostado y Munoz de Nava (Att :Adrian Marquez)

Hola , Tengo un Lorenzo Alvarez-Tostado y Francisca Rita Munoz de Nava que son mis ante pasados. Lo que quiero saber quien son los padres .

Having such a hard time finding my 3great grandfather

Sebastian Munoz the only info i have from him he was from La Jabonera Nochistlan Zacatecas he married Sostenes Aguirre.
He was born approx 1875