Pinedo family tree

Hey everyone --

As I've been trying to put together a family tree of my Pinedo line, I was thinking that I should share my progress for any others doing Pinedo research.

It's still a work in pro

A few items that interest me...

Perhaps someone knows a "next step" and can help me continue to build a
family tree. I am looking for an ancestor, "Manuel Carrillo Buezo" born
sometime in the late 1700's.

Ambrosio De Armas

I was wondering if my ancestor Juan Ambrosio De Armas if possible be related
to Juan Armas Currion Born in Nochistlan on 26 march 1686

Fulencio Valdez and Cicila Hernadez

I found the marriage record for this couple and it seems to have a lot of information. I can make out the parents of couple and their ages.

Updated my GEDCOM Family Tree here at NR

I have hundreds of Banuelos, Del Real, Quesada, Villaneda, Flores, etc

Joseph de Leon

What is the origin of this food we usually eat in ranchos of Huejuquilla?

Ever since I was a kid, I have always been given this food to eat which is called, "Gorda"

Help With Ortiz de San Pedro of Tlaltenango

I just found an entry while searching the early Durango records for a Lazaro Ortiz de San Pedro marrying a Maria de Chaide and Lazaro identifies his parents as Lazaro Ortiz de San Pedro and Maria Esqu

Trinidad Martinez

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to do some research on my grandfather Trinidad Martinez, but have not been able o find his place of birth.  I am using ""  He was born

for anyone who has juan de la torre and clara chavez on their tree

i found a marriage record for their son agustin here

i wanted to share this with you guys.