FW: Somos Primos February 2013 149th Online Issue

Thank you, Joseph, for passing on a very informative website, I spent most of
my afternoon reading it.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

Ann M.

Help with marriage Doc.

Can someone please help me translate this document in enlgish?And i'm also having a hard time reading it.Really appreciate it if someone can help me:)

free-if-emailed non-online records from familysearch

I just learned about this service:


record of death for Ana Gabay wife of Lope Ruis de Esparza

Here is a link to the record of death for Ana Gabay, wife of Lope Ruiz de Esparza.


hey have a look http://bit.ly/XnHJcA


Hola! a todos recurro a ustedes recibi este mensaje y estoy en shock no se que pensar menos contestar

Pues que se quede con sus dos baules y sus tres petaquillas ,que nosotros tenemos muchas mas

Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE exclusively from Sprint

----- Reply message -----
From: nacho_cuv@hotmail.com

Hola! a todos recurro a ustedes recibi este mensaje y estoy en shock no se que pensar menos contestar

Managers of Juan Gomez Garcia-´Rubio,
saludos ....quiero hacer saver ....que no mas info...va ha ser aderida a este sitio

Geronimo Ruiz De Salazar

Might any one have any info on the ancestor of mine he married Gertrudis Enriquez and i descend from their daughter Maria Ruiz wife of Xptoval Servantez