FW: Somos Primos February 2013 149th Online Issue
Thank you, Joseph, for passing on a very informative website, I spent most of
my afternoon reading it.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Ann M.
A word on 'Ownership' and 'Privacy' - and how technology is shattering some very old views
Hello all--
Help with marriage Doc.
Can someone please help me translate this document in enlgish?And i'm also having a hard time reading it.Really appreciate it if someone can help me:)
free-if-emailed non-online records from familysearch
I just learned about this service:
record of death for Ana Gabay wife of Lope Ruis de Esparza
Here is a link to the record of death for Ana Gabay, wife of Lope Ruiz de Esparza.
hey have a look http://bit.ly/XnHJcA
Hola! a todos recurro a ustedes recibi este mensaje y estoy en shock no se que pensar menos contestar
Pues que se quede con sus dos baules y sus tres petaquillas ,que nosotros tenemos muchas mas
Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE exclusively from Sprint
----- Reply message -----
From: nacho_cuv@hotmail.com
Hola! a todos recurro a ustedes recibi este mensaje y estoy en shock no se que pensar menos contestar
Managers of Juan Gomez Garcia-´Rubio,
saludos ....quiero hacer saver ....que no mas info...va ha ser aderida a este sitio
Geronimo Ruiz De Salazar
Might any one have any info on the ancestor of mine he married Gertrudis Enriquez and i descend from their daughter Maria Ruiz wife of Xptoval Servantez
Araiza y Medina, del Castillo, de Gusman, Gomes
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