Looking for family information for Consuelo Renteria Fernandez. She was born about 1908 in Citala, Jalisco. She lived in Sayula with her son in 1930 census.
Investigando a la familia Franco de Tepatitlan, Jalisco
He estado investigando durante aproximadamente 2 años y he chocado contra una pared.
Agustin Villegas was born in Huejucar, Jalisco OR Jerez, Zac abt 1742. He married Rosalia Anriquez. Their first two children were born in Jerez, Zacatecas but the rest were born in Huejucar, Jalisco.
Family Tree-Nuestros Ranchos
Hello Everyone, My name is Christina Villegas. Im looking for several surnames including VILLEGAS, CARLOS, & GUTIERREZ.
The surname VILLEGAS.
FW: New Mexico DNA Project
From: Angel R.
Researching Franco family from Tepatitlan, Jalisco
I have been researching for about 2 years and have hit a brick wall. My 6x great grandfather was Blas Esteban Franco who married Margarita Liberata de Aiola Ramires on 08 Oct.
Baptism of Luciano Gomez
I believe I have found one of my GGGrandfathers but I cannot read the document.
Could someone please translate for me. I would certainly appreciate it.
Thank you so much.
For Deeda: Juan (not Francisco) Garcia de Alba
Hi Deedra (and others):
I believe I have solved out little mystery. Juan Garcia de Alba and Juan Francisco García de Alba are not the same person. They are brothers.
Last Name Spelling Help Please
Hi everyone, any help would be appreciated. I have over 20 records from my 5th Great Grandmother Maria Paulina. Her last name is spelled so many different ways by the priest and scribers.