FREE Y-DNA for Cervantes descendent

I will provide a free 25-marker FamilyTreeDNA kit to anyone that can document a continuous straight male line back to Vicente Carlos Cervantes or his father.

Vicente Carlos Cervantes,

Fwd: acerca del acta que estas buscando de l; a sagrada mitra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martha Gomez
Date: 2013/7/12
Subject: acerca del acta que estas buscando de l;a sagrada mitra

Jose Maria Robalcaba Aguascalientes

Looking for some assistance in locating the next generation of this family line:
Descendants of Jose Maria Robalcaba

Generation No. 1

1. Jose Maria Robalcaba

Looking for history book

I was told there is a book that details the Rubalcaba family in Nueva Galicia that is not in public libraries. Has anyone heard of the book, title, author? Thank you.

does this doucment name any particular person as a recipient of this capellania

Early Colotlan Baptism records?

Where should I look for Colotlan Birth/Baptism records prior to 1700?
I'm looking for Francisco Valensuela born abt 1690.

Thank you in advance,

Pedro Arizmendi Gogorran of San Luis Potosi

I am looking for a copy of Sasha Della Schmidt Honig's paper on Pedro Gogorran called "Pedro de Arizmendi Gogorrón: Frontier Magnate of Northern New Spain." a Unpublished Manuscript


Matching results in IGI index to "images" of records online

I found a possible match (Maria "Virginia" Fernandez, born 04 Jul 1885 to Pantaleon Fernandez and Marianna/Maceana Macias) in the IGI index with the christening listed as San Francisco de Asís, Tizap