FW: Anthropological Genetic Genealogy: The Huns Connection to Hungary (Haplogroup N)
Contact Angel directly at angelrcervantes@gmail.com if you would like the
From: Angel R.
The elusive Petronila de Moctezuma document
I took another look at what Chipman says in "Moctezuma's Children" concerning the litigation concerning Tacuba and Ecatepec in an attempt to focus research efforts in the search for documents naming P
Carlo Lomellin
I just been wondering what is know about Carlos Lomellin. I am a decedent of him through his son Lucas. I have research him and from other post that I have seen I know that he worked on the mines?
Hello everyone:
Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara
The book "Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara Antiguo Obispado de la Nueva Galicia: Expedientes de la serie de matrimonios extractos siglos XVII-XVIII" by Maria de la Luz Montejano Hilton, which has been out
Searching for Huejuquilla el Alto and Valparaiso Families (Diaz,Banuelos,Perez,Carrillo)
Hello everyone, first of all, can someone please tell me if a person was born in Valparaiso during 1750-1800's, besides Huejuquilla el Alto, what other film (Parish) can I search through.
Una duda y Familia Carlos de Godoy
Hola a todos,
Francisco De Alvarado and Francisca Ruis De Esparsa
Hello everyone,
son of Diego Arias Sotelo and Maria Manuel de Portugal?
Has anyone else come across a child of Diego Arias Sotelo and Maria Manuel de Portugal? Is that what this Diego named below is? The information below came from PARES
Documentation of Petronila (Gabadi) Moctezuma
The parentage of the Gabadi sisters continues to be a subject of much discussion.