Defunto Don Fernando Arquelles Natural Del Principal de Asturias 1797

I need help from someone please in that you can you tell me what it means when this person that I found in Defuntos in our village of Huejuquilla, Jalisco Mexico in the year 1797.

Possible Location of Cemetery in Huejuquilla 1780

Saw this page in the defunto archives of the year 1780 and may give clue as to where the cemetary was at that time with this comment written:

Found a possible relative of "Don Fernando De La Campo y Cos" in 1780

I was looking through defuntos of the year 1780 in our village of Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico and found a defunto of a mulatto de is of "Juan De La Campo" of Rancho Dolores:

Found a possible relative of "Don Fernando De La Campo y Cos" in 1780

I was looking through defuntos of the year 1780 in our village of Huejuquilla, Jalisco, Mexico and found a defunto of a mulatto de is of "Juan De La Campo" of Rancho Dolores:

Ancestry DNA results

The results of my Ancestry DNA are at a standstill pause, while I have been matched with several other that had their DNA done, their responses have been rather negative.

Jose Angel Garcia Macias born Aug3, 1853 Auguascalientes

Jose Angel Garcia Macias musician, composer of classical music and one of the four mentioned in the book titled Cuatro Valores Musicales Aguascalentenses, son of Nicolas Garcia Reyes, born 1830 at cal

Defunto Maria Gentridias Mulatta en Rancho De Los Madera 1780

Found this defunto of mulatta Maria Gentridias en Rancho De Los Maderas in 1780 and of Lazaro Madera and Juana Michaela Perales:
