Introduction- Coahuila, Zacatecas and Jalisco

Hello everyone. My name is Kimberly, I live in Colorado and I was born in America. I'm happy to be a part of this group. I enjoy history, so researching will be fun.

My first dispensation

I need help with this record. I'm trying to get some of it transcribed (so I can use google translate afterwards).


Hello everyone, my name is Robert (Bobby) Lopez and I am currently researching the paternal side of my family on this website starting from my grand father and his father.

Cristobal and or Rodrigo Cristobal Olivares

I have recently bought and checked out several great books for my research on my paternal side.

Saludos parientes

Me es muy grato el poder saludar de nuevo a Nuestros Ranchos, aquellos que colaboran con esta página y a todos los participantes en este foro.