Juan De Angon Pasajo De Indias 1606 to Rancho De Juan De Angon 1633 (Huejuquilla)

I have found in the PARS Archive a document about the "Pasajero De Indias" of Juan De Angon who traveled to Nuevo Espana (Mexico) in 1606.

Padrones (Style/Format - Caste System) year 1779 Mexico

This format of padrones for year 1779 is interesting. It lists all kinds of clases of people under the caste system. Here is one page to show:


Guadalajara Dispensas Question

First, thank you Katy for the indexes to Huejucar!

NorCal Genealogy Meetings


Are there any meetings coming up? I'm afraid I'm not getting announcements.


General Digest, Vol 107, Issue 17 (el zacatecano)

Spain in the American Revolution.

Spain took possession of the "Louisiana Territory" from France in 1769, and
declared war on England on 8 May 1779. Governor/General B.

1775 Puerto of San Francisco of California by Juan De Ayala (pacquebot San Carlos)

Found this map of the "Puerto de San Francisco" by Juan De Ayala of the pacquebot San Carlos. This is a detailed map of the San Francisco Bay year 1775.

Research Digest, Vol 108, Issue 1

I'm not able to find the map of Lagos de Moreno.

Dibujo of Spanish Monarch

Here is a picture of the Spanish Monarchy and that symbol of the eye in a triangle that is the same like in the current american dollar bill:


General Digest, Vol 107, Issue 17

Didn't the Spanish and French who were at war with England influence the Indepenced of the American colonies from England.
I briefly read about one Spanish Capitan name Felipe Gonzalez De Ahedo.


Antonio Ruiz & Ana de Sepúlveda / Zacatecas

I found this posting mentioning the discovery on Familysearch a document in which they mention the names of the parents of Jacinto García de Sepúlveda, husband of Clara de Rentería (they lived in C