Names by the Saint day in calendar

Just to remind you the Colotlan territory they use to follow the name od the day Saint calendar.

Names by the Saint day in calendar

Just to remind you the Colotlan territory they use to follow the name od the day Saint calendar.

Where would someone be baptised . . .

Hello primos/primas:

Where would someone be baptized if born in San Nicolas de los Garza,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico. I am looking for Martiate Garza (approx. 1850)

Thank you,

DURAN from jalpa zacatecas

my grandparents Jose Trinidad Duran and Maris Trinidad Alvarez both from Chalchisco from around jalpa does any one know or might be link to any of them any info will help.

General Digest, Vol 114, Issue 3

I am in the Haplogroup G with the M 201 group

Sent from my iPad

> On Jul 14, 2015, at 5:12 PM, wrote:
> Send General mailing list submissions to

Assistance with reading parents names Re Francisco Suarez de Ibarra

Could a forum member please help me read the parents names of Francisco Suarez de Ibarra. The names are about halfway down the first page.

can anyone tell me how..

gertrudis olague is related to manuel olague?,171974101,180064701

Marquez del Olivo Family tree data compilation Zacatecas and Jalisco

I have seen many post regarding this family tree. I have 4 family tree branches connect to this family tree. Can we make a shared family tree. POsting all data about this tree.