Free Access to Mexican Records Dia De Los Muertos Promotion

Hi all, on the occasion of Dia De Los Muertos, the upcoming Mexican holiday, is offering free access to Mexican Records until November 2, 2015. The URL is

Research Digest, Vol 117, Issue 20 gratis great father

Hi Cindy:

First come your padre than follow abuelo, bisabuelo, tratará-abuelo, tratará-tratara-abuelo and than add a tratara after each generation.

The Genealogy of Mexico

I came across this site. Information is based on several books published about the encomenderos y conquistadores. Anyone use this site? Thanks!

Loma Larga (Ocotlan), Jalisco *and* Aguascalientes photos

Does anyone in this group known anything of Loma Larga in Jalisco? It is near Ocotlan. It has shown up on some of the baptismal/birth records in one of my lines.

Dias de la Huerta


Juana and Francisco's last name is López de la Rea and Ana's last name is
de Celis. You can see them here

Danny C. Alonso

Great-grands in Spanish

I know that great-grandfather/mother is bisabuelo/a in Spanish, but what is the proper way for saying, for example, 3rd great-grandfather? Or third time great-grandfather?

Dias de la Huerta

I can only make out the names of Francisco Dias de Huerta y Juana Lopez de ???
father Sebastian Dias de Huerta is married to Ana ????

Research Digest, Vol 117, Issue 18

Encounter informacion sober Melchor Perez de la Torre ,padre de Catalina Mejia de la Torre casada con mi ancestro directo Pedro de Ledezma, Melchor Perez de la Torre ,hijo de Don Diego Perez de la To

General histories of the rancho areas from 1500-1900

Can anyone suggest good histories, in Spanish or English, for this region prior to 1900? Thanks!

Carvajal - (Zacatecas) Maria de los Angeles Carvajal

I am researching Maria de los Angeles Carvajal. Just saw her name last night, from the new records at Ancestry.Com
b ~1800-1811
d. April 3, 1873 at Hacienda Mirador, Valparaiso, Zacatecas