Question for Armando : The blue eyes gene
I´ve read in some different places that scientists have found that all humans with blue eyes are all descendants of ONE single person that lived some 8,000 years ago.
Family Search Film number 708746
Can someone help me find matrimonios for Ocampo, Guanajuato - Iglesia de San Juan Bautista. This is the record I'm looking for .
Baptism Info - Emilie Garcia
Hi Emilie,
I also use Ancestral Quest (now in the Mac version) and I love it!
FW: Somos Primos December 2015
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2015 8:11 PM
Subject: Somos Primos December 2015
Baptism Info
I am researching records in Jalisco for a friend.
I am confused about what to enter in the fields in the genealogy program I have (Ancestral Quest).
Other church in Cuquio, Jalisco
Can someone tell me the name of the other church in Cuquio? I know San
Felipe is the parish church. but there is a smaller, newer one there.
Bautismo Libro Reservado
while researching my Garcia lineage, I can across
this statement: los nombres de los Padres, Abuelos Paternos y Maternos se hallan
Familia Quezada de Fresnillo Zacatecas. En busca de mi bisabuelo biológico.
Hola parientes,
Tengo la esperanza que atravez de este medio logre iluminar un poco el misterio de parte de mi papá. Ésta es la historia:
Stolen 1777 Artifact From Aguascalientes Ends Up In Museum in Massachussets