Defunciones Zacatecas, Zacatecas. 1683-1686

Hola a todos. Agradecería información acerca de opciones de consulta de DEFUNCIONES en la ciudad de Zacatecas entre 1683-1686. He tratado en familysearch pero no existen registros en línea.

Tracing Aztec Lineage

A lady in one of my other genealogy groups asked if there is a way to trace one's family back to the Aztecs. Any and all information will be appreciated.
Thanks, Gloria

Announce Digest, Vol 107, Issue 1

Glad to hear you've recovered from the car accident.

Marty Puentes/NGGS/Retiring

Here is a message I sent along to be posted either entirely or partially on the NGGS facebook page (you all might want to start talking about the last two sentences):

Marty Puentes/NGGS/Retiring

Here is a message I sent along to be posted either entirely or partially on the NGGS facebook page (you all might want to start talking about the last two sentences):

Marty Puentes/NGGS/Retiring

Here is a message I sent along to be posted either entirely or partially on the NGGS facebook page (you all might want to start talking about the last two sentences):

Marty Puentes/NGGS/Retirement

Here is a message I sent along to be posted either entirely or partially on
the NGGS facebook page (you all might want to start talking about the last
two sentences):

One day in 2002 while reco

Marty Puentes/NGGS/Retirement

Here is a message I sent along to be posted either entirely or partially on
the NGGS facebook page (you all might want to start talking about the last
two sentences):

One day in 2002 while reco

Jose Zambrano Film

From: JOSE L. Zambrano []
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 6:50 PM
To: Joseph Puentes
Subject: Hello

Joseph Puentes:

I am hoping you could help me out.

In The News


Joseph Puentes