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records from Villa de San Fernando, Presidio de San Antonio de Vejar

By Denise Fastrup - Posted on 20 March 2021

If you have ancestors in Texas, this may be of interest:

Skimming through these images to see if there are any from Fresnillo in the first half of the 1700s and got the the first image (was going backwards from the Fresnillo padrones for 1770's) - where I see written at the top: Villa de San Fernando, Presidio de San Antonio de Vejar - IS THIS REALLY A DOCUMENT FROM SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS??? (my hometown!)

HOPE someone will take a look and come with their 2 cents...

THere are a lot of first names on the first page followed by the name/term Apache - pops up other places too. Seen the name Comanche as well, in the first few pages. Very interesting!

Best REgards