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Lorenza de Oballe Liebana cc Diego Magdaleno, Juan Asencio de Leon cc Geronima de Liebana, et al

By jrefugioghermosillo - Posted on 26 October 2019

Hola prim@s,

I was reading through the IM of Geronimo Magdaleno and Rosa de Figueroa San Anton, 4 Oct 1690, Tangancicuaro, Mich. Geronimo Magdaleno was son of Tomas Magdaleno and Juana Chavez, and Rosa de Figueroa was daughter of Joseph Figueroa San Anton and Juana de Torres.

According to testimonies, there was concern that there might be an impediment: that Tomas Magdaleno and Joseph de Figueroa, fathers of the groom and bride, were cousins. Joseph Figueroa had told Geronimo Magdaleno that his father was the sibling of the great-grandfather of Tomas Magdaleno. Tomas Magdaleno was son of Diego Magdaleno cc Lorenza de Ovalle Liebana, and Joseph de Figueroa was son of Pedro de San Anton Figueroa cc Geronima de Liebana, so the relationship was probably through Lorenza and Geronima. Several witnesses were brought in, but no one knew what the exact relationship was, only that they always called each other “primo” and treated each other as such. In the end, it was decided that the relationship was too distant, and that a dispensa wasn’t necessary.

But of super interest, are the witnesses that Tomas Magdaleno presents: Tomas de Bejar 60, Juan de Bejar 58, and Francisco de Bejar 54. All three recognize that they are primos hermanos of Tomas Magdaleno. The Bejar boys were sons of Gregorio de Bejar y Sandoval and Maria de Liebana. The relationship is obviously through Lorenza de Ovalle Liebana and Maria de Liebana, establishing them as sisters.

From various dispensations, we know that Maria de Liebana was sister of (please correct me if I’m wrong):
- Agustin Maciel cc Ynes Rodriguez de Morfin
- Juan Asencio de Leon cc Maria de Lomelin

When her son, Gregorio de Bejar, was witness on the IM of Francisco Gomez de Lara and Juana de Liebana, daughter of Alvaro Maciel cc Ysabel de Orozco, he said that he was primo hermano de Juana, and that that Alvaro Maciel was his uncle. Alvaro Maciel was the son of Juan Asencio de Leon cc Geronima de Liebana.

All of this would imply that Lorenza de Oballe y Liebana cc Diego Magdaleno was also a daughter of Juan Asencio de Leon cc Geronima de Liebana.

As it stands, and please correct me if I’m wrong, the children of Juan Asencio de Leon cc Geronima de Liebana are:

- Agustin Maciel cc Ynes Rodriguez de Morfin
- Nicolas Maciel cc Geronima de Ayala y de la Cueva (possibly Beatriz de Vargas y Ulloa en 2o?)
- Lorenza de Oballe Liebana cc Diego Magdaleno
- Alvaro Maciel cc Ysabel de Orozco y Zamora y del Castillo
- Maria de Liebana cc Gregorio de Bejar y Sandoval
- Juan Asencio de Leon cc Maria de Lomelin
- Geronima de Liebana cc Tomas Hernandez Gamiño
- Josepha Asencio de Leon cc Joseph Tello y Orozco
- Anna de Liebana cc Nicolas de Murguia
- Nicolasa de Liebana cc Juan Basilio Ruiz de Velasco
- Pedro Asencio de Leon Blancarte cc Anna de Zamora y Ontiveros

Some of that is from baptism and marriage records, as well as from dispensas for descendants. That’s a lot of children, and covering almost 3 decades, from what I can tell from their individual timelines and known baptism dates!

And now, from the Geronimo Magdaleno cc Rosa de Figueroa IM, we know that Geronima de Liebana cc Juan Asencio de Leon is somehow related to Geronima de Liebana cc Pedro de San Anton Figueroa, who from other records, we know is sister of Maria de Liebana aka Maria de Tapia cc Antonio Jimenez Calderon (my guess is these two are daughters of Juan de Tapia and Geronima de Liebana. Anybody?). According to Joseph Figueroa, the relationship would more or less look like this:

???????????????-1-Geronima de Liebana
Geronima de Liebana-2-Joseph de Figueroa
Lorenza de Oballe-3-Rosa Maria de Figueroa
Tomas Magdaleno-4
Geronimo Magdaleno-5

Possibly, Juan de Tapia and Geronima de Liebana are the tronco of that tree. Anybody?

My brain hurts.
Manny Díez Hermosillo

PS The Geronimo Magdaleno cc Rosa de Figueroa is scattered throughout the film roll, but it’s mapped out on the Valladolid Dispensas website (which I didn’t discover until later!! But great work, y’all!).