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sagrada mitra for Michoacan

By erlong - Posted on 12 June 2019

I'm assuming there is a second sagrada mitra for Michoacan since this link only lists some of the towns and ranchos.. I have worked on some page by page without finding the towns I needed.

It does not include Zamora, Chilchota, Tangancicuaro, Tlazazalca and other towns that did exist.

Can anyone share with me the link to the rest of the marriage dispensations in Michoacan.

My maternal ancestors lived in Chilchota, Tangancicuaro, Angamacutiro and Zamora and I have marriage information, marriage, baptism and death but no marriage dispensations.
It is of particular interest to me since my MTDNA goes to Michoacan and I found a marriage information record that called for a dispensation and that record could take me back another generation.

Any help appreciated.
Erlinda Castanon-Long