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Sancho de Renteria

By superhorrible - Posted on 09 February 2019

I'm hoping that someone can help me. I was looking at some trees online and I found a tree with SANCHO DE RENTERIA family. This tree had attached some images from two Books, unfortunately without the names of the books. One of them looks like PROTOCOLOS, and the other one deaths in Guadalajara.
One book reads:
1627. Peticion de Sancho de Renteria Alcalde Mayor que fue del pueblo de Juchipila, para que certifique no haber muerto, durante el termino de su cargo, ninguna persona interesada, ni haberse dejado legados para Espana.- 3fs

Other book reads:
326 - 14 noviembre de 1661 - murio "Dona francisca de Renteria" - viuda de Francisco Rodriguez Ponze" - se enterro en la Catedral - testo ante "Diego perez de Ribera" Escribano Real y Publico - albaceas " franco (francisco) rs (Rodriguez)" Ponze su hijo y miguel de Renteria su hermano: - herederos "Don francisco Rodriguez ponze y dona catalina de renteria y ponse sus hijos".

I would appreciated any help

