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Gomez family from Jalpa

By rootsandgenes - Posted on 14 December 2018

Hello everyone, my name is Arlene Samaniego and I am looking for help.

I am a Gomez via my maternal line and I am stuck on my mothers paternal line. I cannot seem to locate documents past my 3rd great grandfather Damien Gomez. My last known information is that they resided in Jalpa, Zacatecas and before that possibly Jalisco?

I believe that my Gomez line descended from the Gomez Portugal line due to Y DNA tests conducted by my paternal Great Uncle which connects them to Manuel Gomez de Portugal but we dont know via which male?

I just cant find documents prior to Damien and have hit a brick road. I have a possible father for him as Jose Luis Gomez and Juana Jimenes but nothing to corroborate this.

The following is what I have:

Damien Gomez (1820 - 1887) married to Maria Jesus Gutierres
3rd great-grandfather

Gregorio Gomez (1855 - 1914) married to Ramona Mojarro and Petra Viramontes
Son of Damien Gomez and my 2nd Great Grandfather

Jose Cruz Gomez de Viramontes (1890 - 1947) married Evarista Medina de Tiscareno
Son of Gregorio Gomez and my great grandfather

Benjamin Gomez de Medina (1922 - 1995)
Son of Jose Cruz Gomez Viramontes my grandfather

Maria Gloria Gomez Estrada (1956 - 2008)
My mother

Any insight from any of you would be appreciated!