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INQUISICION MEXICANA EN LAGOS: Lopez, Sanchez de Mendoza, Sanchez de Lara

By jrefugioghermosillo - Posted on 18 September 2018

Hola prim@s,
Ready for some more primary source? This is the proceso contra Padre Alonso Lopez de Espinar beneficiado de Lagos por solicitante, and against his “enemigo capital,” Padre Tomas Ruiz, another priest in Lagos, por amancebado con dos mugeres casadas. This is from Feb 1592, so the list of witnesses is basically a who’s who of early Lagos.
Like a lot of you, everything I know about these people, I learned from Holcombe and Gonzalez-Leal, and from the available records that still exist. This proceso reveals some new people (for me, at least): Gabriel Sanchez and Cristobal Sanchez, sons of Toribio Hernandez cc Ysabel de Mendoza; Gabriel Sanchez was married to Ysabel Sanchez de Lara, hija de Juan Sanchez ya difunto cc Elvira Gil de Lara. It also connects some of the descendants of Luis Lopez cc Mencia Lopez (question: is she the same who married Francisco Lopez Muñiz, parents of Ynes Lopez cc Juan Lopez de Nava?)
These are my notes, basically an index of the witnesses. Most of them are giving testimony about the defendants. Enjoy!
Manny Diez Hermosillo


- Alonso Lopez de Espinar HL de Gabriel Lopez cc Luisa de Espinar Abuelos paternos: Luis Lopez cc Mencia Lopez Abuelos maternos: Luis de Espinar? cc Elvira de Piñon? todos naturales de Torrijos
- Mariana de Mendoza 35+ cc Cristobal Olibares 34+, ella es HL de Toribio Hernandes cc Ysabel de Mendoza.
- Ysabel Sanchez de Lara 25 cc Gabriel Sanchez; ella es natl de Guanajuato HL Juan Sanchez DTO cc Elvira Gil de Lara; Gabriel Sanchez es HL de Toribio Hernandes cc Ysabel de Mendoza.
- Hernando Villegas 31.
- Francisco Muñoz dice que su muger (Luisa de Nava?) es prima hermana del dho Alo Lopez. wife spoken of in present tense - still alive in 592.
- Maria de Nava 21 nat; de Lagos, vna de Mexico cc Alonso Guerra carretero.
- Lorenso Padilla Davila.
- Lorenso Domingues 50+ cc Catalina Lopez: dixo q Cristobal Sanchez hno de Gabriel Sanchez quiso matar a Alo Lopez. Catalina Lopez es prima hmna de Alo Lopez y madrina de Mariana de Mendoza.
- Pedro de Anda 60+.
- Pedro Medel 70?
- Alvaro Carrillo 40+
- Lorenso Alvarez 40+
- Andres Lopez 50+ tio del dho Alo Lopez
- tt Padre Cristobal Macias, su hermano Juan Ramires cc Francisca, Pedro de Medinilla alcalde mayor, Juan Becerra, Martin Vasquez teniente de alcaldia mayor.
- Diego Gomez 28 - primo de Alo Lopez
- Capp Francisco de Tavera.
- Juan Garcia de Santana 40.