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Solar Storm of 1859

By alicebb - Posted on 08 August 2018

Hello Nuestros Ranchos Researchers,
I ran across an extremely unusual entry for 09/1859 in the Baptisms.
The September 2nd entry is not of a baptism at all, but refers to a celestial event.
I wish I had a better knowledge of reading Spanish, but I gleaned that
in the middle of the night colorful lights appeared. Googling the date I found that a
worldwide Solar Storm of 1859 of enormous magnitude occurred. Telegraph operators of the time were experiencing shocks and other power was disrupted.
I would love for someone to read the entry --it's not very long--and please translate it for us all to enjoy. What a great slice of life at the time and history worldwide. I can only imagine the conversations the next day!
Who says genealogical research is not exciting?!

Thanks so much,
Alice B Blake

Here's the info needed: