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Help Deciphering Last Name (Abbreviations) and Barrio/Rancho locations

By Raramosa - Posted on 04 April 2018


If any of you would have the time, I would appreciate if one could help me decipher the following in the record below:

Specifically, I am interested in the marriage entry for Jose Ramos (Yndio) and Maria Patricia (Yndia).

I am aware Jose's parents are Sevastian Ramos (please verify that the abbreviation in the image is for Sevastian) and Nicolasa Juana. However, I have no idea what the rancho is supposed to be that comes after his name. If someone could decipher it, I would appreciate it, and if someone knew where it was (at least in relation to Sayula so I can do further research) I would appreciate it.

As for his wife, I have figured out her name and her parents' names but I would also appreciate the help with regards to her geographic origination.

I can read Spanish well, so if you can help in Spanish or English I would appreciate it.

