You are hereForums / Genealogy Research / Inquisicion Mexicana: PEDRO RUIZ DE HARO, CRISTOBAL ORDOÑEZ


By jrefugioghermosillo - Posted on 22 February 2018

This is the limpieza of Petronila de Haro, daughter of Pedro Ruiz de Haro cc Leonor Arias.

Her husband, Gonzalo de Morillo, had been named familiar de la Inquisicion in Compestela, and limpiezas were required for both of them. His limpieza begins here.

The paternal grandparents of Petronila de Haro were Pedro de Haro cc Francisca Muñoz, and her maternal grandparents were Miguel Arias and Francisca de Torres, of Medellin, Reinos de Castilla. Her mother's brother was Juan Arias.

I don’t descend from this family, but I saw the name, Pedro Ruiz de Haro, and on a whim, I began reading it. And a good thing: the first witness for Petronila de Haro is my g10 Cristobal Ordoñez, son of conquistador Diego de San Martin cc Elvira Ordoñez, and brother of conquistador Juan Michel.

Ordoñez gave his testimony on 19 Jan 1600, at his home in Guadalajara. He states that he had known Petronila for more than 48 years, and that he met her in Compostela, at the home of her parents, who were his “deudos y amigos” (!!!!!). He says that he first met Pedro Ruiz de Haro, secretario de la Audiencia Real de Guadalajara, some 69 years before (1531), when Cristobal was 7 years-old. This places his birth around 1524, making him 76 at the time of the inquest (he gives his age as “mas de 74 años poco mas o menos”).

He later states: “dixo ser pariente de Pº Ruiz de Haro de parte de su madre y de su padre segun se lo dijo su madre deste, siendo pequeño Por que su padre del dho Pº Ruiz de Haro q fue Secretario del Duque de Alburquerque y su abuela deste de parte de su padre q se llamava Ysabel de Haro hermana // parientes muy cercanos pero que eso no le ympide a decir la verdad..."

The page folds at that point in the sentence, and there might be a word or 2 missing, but it appears to say that his paternal grandmother, Ysabel de Haro, was sister of Pedro de Haro cc Francisca Muñoz, implying that conquistadores Pedro Ruiz de Haro and Diego de San Martin were 1st-cousins. Either way, we now know the name of Diego de San Martin's mother, and we know she is related to Pedro de Haro.

Question: it is known that Pedro Ruiz de Haro was from Peñaranda en Reinos de Castilla: which Peñaranda? De Duero, in Burgos? Or de Bracamonte, near Salamanca?


Another testigo is Ana Michel, wife of Pedro de Enciso, and daughter of Juan Michel cc Catalina Mena. I had read that they had no known offspring, but this appears to disprove that. Ana Michel was born around 1550.

Manny Diez Hermosillo