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Lagos de Morenos and The Tale of Two Brothers

By carolineasanders - Posted on 20 November 2017

I recently spoke to my dad’s tia who was born in 1930. She has been a valuable source of family history for me. Several of her stories have been spot on to the date. In talking she told me about two brothers who came to Mexico after the war. One stayed in Lagos de Morenos and had three wives and children. The other brother, Manuel Ocampo?, left and married a women in Altolinga before settling in Los Velas. She died shortly after giving birth to their son. Manuel is the one who flourished our family in that area.

I realize this could be family folklore, however, found that many of these stories have some truth rooted in them. I have traced my Campos family back to the 1600’s (Juan de Campos and Isabel Fernandez de Llamas) but have not been able to go beyond. I would like to find more. Wondering if any of this story rings a bell for anyone, hints and or clues. Thank you in advance.

Caroline Campos Sanders