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Cosme Felix Bugarin

By gusmeza - Posted on 05 October 2017

For those interested in researching the Bugarin family. Long ago I posted some information on a Cosme Felix Bugarin regarding a record of a lawsuit dated 1713 on the PARE website found in the Chancellory in Valladolid, Spain. It was overly difficult for me to translate. However I could make out that Cosme Felix was referred to as being from La Noya or La Noia as it is also spelled at times. I've yet to confirm this is the same Cosme Felix who married Maria de los Reyes from La Baiona. The marriage took place on 14 August 1675 in Zacatecas, Zacatecas and was recorded January 16, 1676 in Mexico City.

I recently found two more documents referring to Cosme Felix who are most certainly the one referred to in the lawsuit in vicinity of La Baiona but again unconfirmed to be the same person in Mexico. One of the documents dated 1711 found in PARES is entitled: ES.47186.ARCHV/ CIVILES,FERNANDO ALONSO (F),CAJA 2865,4, describes:

Titulo Nombre atribuido: Ańo 1711
Pleito de Cosme Félix Bugarín, juez, vecino de Noya (La Coruña), con María de Tovar, tutora de sus hijos, vecina de San Mamed de los Ángeles (La Coruña), y consortes, sobre el pago de cierta cantidad de ducados, de la compra del oficio de alguacil mayor de Bayona (Pontevedra).

Another document is a lengthy contemporary article in the "Boletín do Instituto de
Estudios Vigueses" dated 2015 available online for a download, on pages 230 and 231 (Doing a word search of "Bugarin" within the file) you'll find reference to Cosme Felix Bugarin.

Again it is unconfirmed this is the same Cosme Felix Bugarin who is the descendant of so many in the Tlaltenango and surrounding area. Of course if anyone has found a record of his death in Mexico during this timeframe this information would be of no use.

Gus Meza