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Family tree up to Jacinta Ortega and Antonia Ortega abt 1655

By sarod77 - Posted on 01 October 2017

The following couple had plan to marry but they have a 3rd with 4th Consang.
I believe the family tree for Pedro Joseph might be correct but Rosalia's line might lead to Antonia de Ortega known as Estrada married to Diego Contreras see last item. I really don’t know much about them. Hopefully somebody has them in their line as well.

Pedro Joseph Peralta
1751–Deceased • LY9W-LKK
Rosallia Contreras
1753–Deceased • LY94-WHC

The image link is for the request of a dispensa 3rd with 4th consang.

Jacinta de Ortega 1st Antonia de Ortega
Bernardo Dias 2nd Manuel Contreras
Guadalupe Dias 3rd Rosalia Contreras (novia)
Pedro Joseph Peralta (Novio) 4th

Joseph Dias de Tiscareno
1663–1728 • L23B-CVL
Jasinta De Ortega
1665–1729 • MQM4-SKR
Marriage: 12 February 1679
Aguascalientes, Mexico

Bernardo Dias Tiscareño
–1746 • M3B6-T7T
Manuela Flores De Robles (Flores Torres)
1711–1776 • M3CR-7LT
Marriage: 21 April 1727

Carlos Santiago Murillo Peralta
Deceased • KHD1-6R8
Maria Guadalupe Dias De Tiscareno
1728–Deceased • LY94-WH2
Marriage: 1750

Diego De Contreras
1655–1748 • L4KW-GHC
Dona Antonia De Estrada
1665–Deceased • L567-2RF
Marriage: 24 JAN 1683
El Sagrario,Aguascalientes,Aguascalientes,M