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Cristobal Macias

By dcalonso - Posted on 05 September 2017

Hello Nuestros Ranchos Forum,

I'm trying to see if anyone has information on a Cristobal Macias, probably
Cristobal Macias Valadez, he would be a child of one of the early Macias
Valdez, and he was probably born late 1500s or very early 1600s. The only
information I have is from a dispensa from 1693 that says he had an natural
born daughter with a mestiza, Magdalena Marta:

la dicha María López, su abuela, fué hija natural de *Cristóbal Macías*,
español y hombre noble, y de Magdalena Marta, mestiza, sus bisabuelos los
cuales son difuntos y fueron vecinos del Pueblo de Teocaltiche el
Grande...(3 de junio de 1693)

Does anyone know of an early Macias Valadez that had a son named Cristobal?

Danny C. Alonso