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Nicolas Bambrila(Brambila) and Juana De Orosco Tamazula or Cotijja

By Aaront1990 - Posted on 16 August 2017

I'm looking for any information on Nicolas Bambrila and Juana De Orosco their kids were born in Tamazula from what I read in their marriage records. I can't seem to find the parents of Nicolas and Juana or any other records for them. This is the marriage record for Donato Lopes de Lara Jr and Maria Getrudis Bambrila

not sure of this Bambrila line is the same as Brambila decendents of Juan Antonio De La Brambila. Found some records as Bambrila other as Brambila for that same Family in Tamazula.

Any help would be greatly appreciate it.


Aaron Torres