You are hereForums / Genealogy Research / Domingo Perez and Juana de Alva lived in Arroyo Seco, Los Ojuelos, Aguasclientes

Domingo Perez and Juana de Alva lived in Arroyo Seco, Los Ojuelos, Aguasclientes

By ghostops98 - Posted on 20 June 2017

Domingo Perez and Juana de Alva got Married in Aguascalientes on July 24,1707 some of my researchthey had a Daughter born 1720 in Teocaltiche also a son Calletano Perez born about 1735. Calletano Perez Married Maria Ynes Garcia Romo born abt 1725. then on july 10 1754 Married Maria magdalena Chavez her and Calletano had a son Andres Perez born 1770 Arroyo Seco and died 1, January 1830 in Arroyo Seco. Andres Peres was Married to Maria Luisa question is anyone related to them or have info on them thanks.