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Alvaro Herrera ancestry

By Visitor - Posted on 18 June 2017

Happy Father's Day to everyone

For Father's Day I would like to share the ancestry of Alvaro Herrera. This work is not complete as I am missing a generation, possibly two generations, because the Alvaro Herrera that came to Mexico is eighty years old when the Alvaro Herrera that was married to Catalina Aceves de Hermosillo is said to be born by some genealogists.

The Alvaro Herrera that came to Mexico descends from:

1) Alonso de Alarcón (alcaide de Zafra) + Juana de Santoya

2). Hernan Ruiz de Alarcón + Doña Catalina De la Torre

3). Juan de Alarcón (not married) Leonor Paéz (daughter of Jewish Portuguese
Bartolome Paéz)[because of the social status of Juan Alarcón he was not allowed to marry Leonor]

4) capitán Juan Ruiz de Alarcon (d. late 1593) + Ana López de Ribera, (daughter of Ana López de Ribera (daughter of Diego López de Ribera + Isabel de Villalobos)

5) Maria de Alarcón + Juan Herrera

6) Alvaro Herrera traveled to the Americas in the latter part of the 16th century and left many descendants in what is now Mexico.

7) [missing generation(s)] [though it is possible that there is not a missing generation, it is not likely because (6) is eighty-two when (8) is born. I have not seen the evidence yet for (8)'s birth year so he possibly could have been born earlier.

8) Alvaro Herrera + Catalina Aceves de Hermosillo

Sorry that I haven't been able to find the missing generation to complete the line of descent.

Rick A. Ricci
Book: Mygenes2000