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Ponce de León anybody?

By Peredo - Posted on 24 February 2017

Good morning primos!
The present post is to ask for help in my Ponce de León line.Though this branch of the Ponces doesn't appear yet to be related to families in Nueva Galicia it may end up being the origin of some or many "de León" families.
I descend from Hernán Ponce de León who married María de Pardo in Valladolid Michoacán in the end of the XVI century; this Hernán das the son and the grandson of two other Hernán Ponce de León.
I've found a good amount of information about a very dynamic conqueror by that name, this one participated in the conquest of several countries and went back to Sevilla a very wealthy man. The chronology and some other things fit well for him to be my first Hernán but can't proove it yet. Has any one here researched the Ponces de León?