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Beatriz Lopez de Ayala

By maven200 - Posted on 28 July 2016

HI everyone,
Apologies first if this has been covered before , but I searched all the prior threads and didnt see anything on her Spanish roots.
I’m currently researching Beatriz Lopez de Ayala, historical figure of Colima among other states who was married at one time to Alonso De Arevalo. She sailed from Sevilla in 1518 (18 yo) and landed in New Spain 1535 with Antonio De Mendoza, the first Virrey of New Spain. Her parents were Pedro de Lopez Ayala and Teresa Recalde.

Has anyone researched her family back in Spain? If so, do you know what city did they came from? And are they connected to the noble house of Lopez de Ayala. I ask this second question as Beatriz stated she traveled with Virrey Mendoza (Antonio de Mendoza) to new Spain and his father The Marques de Santillana, a poet was part of the same circle as the Lopez de Ayala’s including Pedro Lopez de Ayala who was a prominent poet, historian etc. at the time. I am wondering if she is related the Lopez de ayala house.

Please let me know if anyone has any light to shed on this.
Also how could she travel alone at 18 on a ship to New Spain without family? I imagine she could have been converso or Jewish escaping??? (Just a guess)
Any help appreciated,
