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Juana Nunez de Lara, señora de Lara y Viscaya is not the mother of Maria Tellez de Castilla and Pedro Ledesmas ancestry

By Visitor - Posted on 22 April 2016

Research, like life, takes us through unexpected paths in our journey. I had previously stated that I believed the following erroneous statement on a previous post:

"I want to address how Tello de Alfonsez Castilla's daughter that I descend from, Maria Tellez de Castilla, who has been called illegitimate by many genealogists because a prominent genealogist once referred to a certain document as proof of her illegitimacy. That document instead should have been given as proof of her legitimacy because it talks about her half sister being illegitimate, that they are half sisters and the way it is written, strongly implies that Maria Tellez de Castiila is legitimate. Maria Tellez de Castilla's Is most likely Juana de Lara's daughter.

I know that many people will dispute this because of the often repeated comment that she died childless, but the document clearly treats Maria de Tellez de Castilla as a legitimate daughter while stressing the illegitimacy of the half sister. If this document is The evidence for determining legitimacy than she must be considered legitimate. "

I continued researching looking for evidence to back up the theory that Maria Tellez de Castilla was the legitimate daughter of Juana Nunez de Lara. I was wrong. But it was a good thing that I went thirough this whole process of trying to prove this erroneous statement. It was in my search for this evidence that I found a record that clearly states that Maria tellez de Castilla is not her daughter. That sounds like bad news after putting in so many hours of work looking to prove the opposite. But at the bottom of the record, in very Small lettering, I found the threads that pointed me in the direction of finding the ancestry of Pedro Ledesma, and to a descent from King Edward III of England.
