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Possible Toribio Hernandez Arellano ancestry

By Visitor - Posted on 20 April 2016

Toribio Hernandez Arellano Sanchez

Because of the confusion of multiple people with the same name, most people have parts of the genealogy screwed up. Going by what I put together and a puzzle piece by dr. Abraham Haim, an expert on Sephardic genealogy, I have from pre 1300 in Barcelona and Avignon France to Toribio Hernandez de Arellano.

The Jewish ancestry and French ancestry that Mariano Gonzalez Leal says we don't have is this line. Most, if not all, the lines of the founding families' descendants married descendants of Toribio.

This Jewish line is not your typical Sephardic line. This line is Ashkenazic, from France.

[• There are several subgroups of Jews with different culture and traditions:
Ashkenazic: Descendants of Jews from France, Germany and Eastern Europe
Sephardic: Descendants of Jews from Spain, Portugal, North Africa and the Middle East
Mizrachi: Descendants of Jews from North Africa and the Middle East
• Other subgroups are Yemenite, Ethiopian and Oriental]

Dr Haim put the the piece that said our sanchez line descended through juan Sanchez de calayatud (Isaac Golluf) and not his brother Pedro Sanchez de Calayatud. I knew that Toribios grandfather Alonson Sanchez descended from Alazar Golluf but had originally thought that the descent was though his son Pedro. Dr Haim is the highest authority on these matters so if he says that he descends from Isaac Golluf (Juan Sanchez) then I will go along with him.
Most people also confuse Toribio's grandfather, Alfonso Sanchez(II) with his uncle, Alfonso (1) that was the one that left Aragon, went to Italy, and was burned in effigy.

Here goes, hold on tight.

Two lines from Toribio, the first to my wife's maternal grandfather.
The second line is to

Perdona que a veces escribo en ingles y a veces en espanol.

Los Altos de Jalisco main Jewish line

The house of David, the same house as Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

1). Nahir Suxen (abt. 1295) is the father of Bonastruga (Bona Astruga)

1). Solomon Golluf (caballero, resident of Barcelona) (abt 1295).

2). ↑ Samuel Golluf (resident of Avignon) married to ↑Bonastruga and are the parents of two children,

Siblings : Azach (Acaqui) Golluf & Rebeca Golluf (her fame: beauty and can sing)

3). ↑ Azach (Acaqui) Golluf and his wife Oro (daughter of Azach (Ishaq) Xaprut)
Azach Xaprut is the son of Yosef Xaprut, (one source claims that Joseph Amali is Oro's father and that her name is Oro Amali but I have a evidence that explains why I believe this is a mistake. Oro Xaprut should not be confused with other members of the family named Oro or Orosol.

4) ↑Alazar (Alatzar) Golluf Iben David miembro de una ilustre y antigua familia de Zaragoza (d. 1389).
Cousin to Todric Ha Levi family, all descendants of the house of David
Alazar Golluf, miembro de una ilustre y antigua familia de Zaragoza, fue tesorero del rey don Juan I de Aragón y de su esposa Violante. Su alta posición le permitió ocuparse de los asuntos de la población judía incluso fuera de los límites de la aljama donde habitaba. De la casa de David. I don't know if the descent from david is through a paternal or maternal line.

Alcazar Golluf is Treasurer of the Queen Violante of Aragon and the most prominent Jewish courtier at the time in Aragon.

Tom Tov ben Hannah (Abenhanya), a scribe of the Jewish community of Montalban wrote a description of Alazr Golluf's death as a tragedy for all Aragonese Jews. In his letter he wonders who will defend the Jews of Aragon:

"Woe to us! Who can stand before the sons of kings;

To cast light before the face of he who walked in darkness;

And to open, in straits, blind eyes?;

Who can express [his] mighty acts;

With enemies at the gate, a voice on high?

For this our heart is faint,

Our dance has turned into mourning;

We have brought down as a ghost out of the ground;

Our voice is lower than low, a still voice;

Who can stand up to repair the breach;

And to complete that which is wanting without number,

Among the wretched Jews;

Who have lost their value, high of stature hewn down."

Alcazar's father is living in Avignon, France

Alcazar Golluf and Oro Xaprut are the parents of

5)↑Isaac Goluff Iben David. Aka Juan Sanchez de Calatayud converted to Catholicism months after father's death in August of 1389. (B. Before 1370.) He changed his name when he converted. {2} [ a big schism happens with the family when Isaac Golluf/Juan Sanchez converts. His wife files for divorce and some Jewish family members conspire to poison him. There is a big story here that takes many pages on the division between the newly converted converses and those that stayed Jewish. This division culminates decades later in the death of the inquisitor Pedro Arbues who is named a saint by the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church covers up his evilness to the Jews to this day. It is mostly the Jewish side / forced converts part of the family that conspires to kill Pedro Arbues ( though some of the true conversos of the family take part). Killing Pedro Arbues backfires and many people that were on the fence or felt sympathy for Jews and conversos become enraged at Jews and conversos and no longer back them.

When the horrors of the inquisition hit the Iberian peninsula in the 14th century
"Los judíos españoles jamás habían experimentado un horror semejante, con lo que, junto con los exilios, al norte de África principalmente, comienzan las conversiones masivas. Antes ya se habían producido, ya que la situación de los hebreos en España nunca fue del todo cómoda, y hacerse cristiano permitía alcanzar dignidades y puestos en la administración, así como amasar fortuna sin ningún tipo de cortapisas. De este modo las primeras conversiones acontecen entre los estratos más altos de la sociedad judía, como es el caso de Isaac Golluf, hijo del tesorero de la reina doña Violante, esposa de Juan I, bautizado en 1389 como Juan Sánchez de Calatayud con una motivación meramente oportunista, o Salomón ha - Leví, rabino de Burgos, y que tras abrazar el Cristianismo en 1390, acabó como obispo de la ciudad bajo el nombre de Pablo de Santa María. Pero a partir de 1391 las conversiones fueron masivas y alcanzaron a judíos pobres y ricos por igual, y la motivación, más que responder a un mero oportunismo político, era otra muy diferente, el miedo."{3}

"Haim recordó algunos apellidos de judíos bilbilitanos, como Lupiel, Constantin, Abayud… El médido Todos Ib ben David se llamó más tarde Juan Sánchez, antecesor de Gabriel Sánchez, tesorero mayor del Reino de Aragón y consejero real, que fue decisivo en la expedición de Cristóbal Colón. Los judíos conversos cambiaban el nombre y el apellido."{4}. ( Gabriel is #8's oldest sibling)

Isaac Goluff Iben David. Aka Juan Sanchez de Calatayud
(Aka Isaac ibn Eleazar Golluf ha Levi in one document). Is the father of (6)

{Isaac has a younger brother Alazar "el menor" named after his paternal grandfather who is called "el Mayor" in his old age to distinguish him from his grandson. His grandfather is upset over the conversion of the older siblings so he skips the older ones in his will. The youngest, Alazar inherits and then converts much later, most likely after his grandfather passes away. The youngest has children from his first wife but she leaves him a widow and he remarries at a much older age and has many children with his much younger wife. It is the group of siblings from this second marriage that is confused by many to be first cousin of #8, Alfonso Sanchez (II). Because this Alazar is much younger than his brothers, and his children from his second wife were born much later, there is a split in the family where Isaacs family covers five generations where Alazars (el menor) family only covers three generations in the same time period. This totally confuses the people that try to explain the family tree and it causes many errors. Also, there was some friction in the family as a few (first conversos) were rich and caballeros and the more recent conversos were not as well off and struggling.)

6)↑ Pedro Sanchez ((I) (title:Caballero), married to Alfonsina Baron (o Varon)
His title of Caballero brought many advantages to his grandsons. His title allows his grandsons to "gosar de todos los privilegios y inmunidades que descendientes de caballeros y hidalgos acostumbran gosar los caballeros y hidalgos en el presente reino de Aragon".{5}

Caballero Pero (Pedro) Sanchez I and Alfonsina Baron are the parents of:

7) ↑ Pedro (Pero) Sanchez (II) married to Blanquina Palau
This a family of "comerciante ennoblecidos por el servicio a la Monarquia de Aragon.

Pedro Sanchez and Blanquina Palau have many children. Among the many children are Gabriel Sanchez, Francisco Sanchez, Guillen Sanchez, Luis Sanchez, Francisca Sanchez Caverllaria, Alfonso Sanchez (he is our ancestor), and others. There are many children and they have interesting stories that are recorded in history that I will add later). Gabriel and Alonso are friends of Christopher Colombus. They knew each other because of Christopher Colombus's father, Domenico Colonne who was also a merchant that exported throughout the same area that Alfonso was involved in business. A nephew of Alfonso Sanchez is Rodrigo Sanchez de Segovia who, among others, convinced Christopher Colombus that it was financially prudent to make slaves of the Indians in order to sell them. Rodrigo was on the first trip as veedor (inspector). Juan de San Pedro Sanchez (a brother or nephew, depending on the source) was also involved and convicted of the conspiracy to assassinate Pedro Abreus. {5}{6}{7}

8) ↑ Alfonso Sanchez (II) Palau. Aka (Alonso Sanchis) (b.1481) (d.3/June/1522) married to Leonor Dalmau
"Uno de los mayores operadores mercantiles" from Greece through all of the Mediterranean to Portugal and north to Ireland, England, France and north of France.
There are two main stories for Alfonso but he is also in many business records. The first, and false, allegation is that he is involved, with family members in the conspiracy to assassinate the inquisitor, and later saint, Pedro of Abreus. But it wasn't him, it was his relative with the same name who was a jurist. The second story is also important, and it is about how he is involved in a totally illegal sale of grains, while the people are hungary in Aragon, and to top it off he mixes old rotting grain to the good grain to make even more money. In both stories King Ferdinand protects him though there is obvious guilt in the second scandal and suspicion in the first.
They only had one son:

9) ↑ Miguel Sanchez Dalmau (d.1538) married to Isabel Hernandez de Hijar y Ramirez de Arellano.
They had at least two sons. The eldest, Alfonso Sanchez (III) Hernandez was named after his paternal grandfather and took over his business and position as lugarteniente tesorero. Toribio was a younger son. Toribio may have come over with another sibling that went to what is now New Mexico but this is only a theory right now that I am exploring.

10) ↑ Toribio Hernandez de Arellano (b. 1530) married to Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza (b.<1542)

Toribio Hernandez de Arellano Sanchez's father passed away when he was about eight years old. His mother mostly likely took her younger children with her as she went back under the family umbrella of her parents, the Fernandez de Hijar y Ramirez de Arellano family. So Toribio spent his teenage years being cared for by the Hernandez de Hijar Ramirez de Arellano family and that is why he took the last name Hernandez de Arellano.

His much older brother Alfonso Sanchez (III) Hernandez Hijar inherited his lugarteniente tesorero de Valencia position and his merchant business. By the time Alfonso III inherited, the position did not have the same power that his grandfather had built up. His grandfather had created a very powerful position through his actions but he overplayed his hand with his arrogance and it was also because of his actions, and those of his family, that the position slowly lost power so even though his son and grandson took over this same position, by the time his grandson had it, the "power" associated with the position had been diminished tremendously but a distant cousin became governor of Aragon. Toribio's brother Alfonso III would still have had enough influence to help him go to Nueva Galicia despite the laws against it.

There are three Alfonso Sanchez in the family. There is Alfonso Sanchez,the jurist, whom I call Alfonso I, there is Alfonso Sanchez II the lugarteniente tesorero and grandfather of Alfonso III Sanchez Hernandez , the brother of Toribio Hernandez Arellano Sanchez.

The prestige that the family has held over the centuries was enough to make the connection and have two of Toribio's daughters have the Sanchez surname over the prestigious surnames of Hurtado de Mendoza, Fernandez de Hijar, and Ramirez de Arellano. There is no other Sanchez family that could have pulled this off.

Two lines, the first line is through Isabel to my wife's maternal grandfather
The second line is to my maternal grampndfather.

First line through Isabel, daughter of (7) Toribio, to my wife's grandfather.

11) ↑Isabel de Mendoza (b.1565) (m.29/Oct/1586)

12). ↑Maria Ornelas Mendoza (b1595) (m.28/Apr/1614)

13)↑Diego Marquez de Olivos Ornelas (b.1620)(buried: 18/Mar1672)

14) ↑Catarina Marquez Martin del Campo (b.1666) (d.10/Jan/1729)

15). ↑ Jose Gonzalez Rubio Marquez (b.1712)(d.21/Apr/1779)

16) ↑Maria Monica de la Trinidad Gonzalez Rubio Garcia (m.28/Jul/1773)

17). ↑Jose Rafael Lugardo Ortiz Gonzalez-Rubio (m.4/Feb/1801)

18) ↑Maria Cesaria Ortiz Garcia (c. 30/Aug/1820)(m.24/Apr/1839)

19). ↑Pablo Jimenez Ortiz (c. 23/Jan/1841)(m.11/Feb/1861)

20)↑Althanasia Jimenez Galvan (b. 4/May/1866)

21) ↑Pablo Lomelin Jimenez (b. 5/Jan/1905)

The second line is through Ana Sanchez, daughter of (7) Toribio

11). ↑Ana Sanchez de Mendoza (b.abt 1554) (m.abt 1575)

12). ↑Juan Becerra H. De Mendoza (b.abt1586)(m.abt1628)

13) ↑Maria Galindo (Becerra Galindo) (b.1630)

14) ↑Jose Gutierrez de Hermosillo Becerra (b. 1675) ( m.22/Feb/1702)

15). ↑Anna Beatriz Gutierrez Ornelas (m. 17/Nov/1746)

16) ↑Anna Bacilia Orosco Gutierrez (b.1767) (m. 18/Feb/1784) (El esposo, Jose Francisco Rodrguez de Hijar tambien desciende de Los Fernandez de Hijar ).

17)↑Maria Apolonia (Polonia) Rodriguez de Hijar Orosco (c.24/Jun/1794) (m.4/Jun/1811)

18) ↑Pedro Franco Rodriguez (c.13/May/1817) (m.19/May/1841)

19). ↑Marcelino Franco y Perez-Franco (b. 4/Mar/1844) (m.4/Mar/1844)

20) ↑Maria Serapia Franco Barba (c.14/Nov/1883)(m.1903)

21). ↑Jose Hermenegildo Romo Franco (b.13/Apr/1904) (the Jalos record states that he was born a day earlier, on 12/Apr/1904. The other record states the thirteenth. My first cousin, Judy, says to not change the date because we always celebrated it on the thirteenth. Judy was born on the 13th of April and we always celebrated their birthdays on the same day.

[Important Additional information:
Because of a libro verde that has confused many people, many trees that are being used do not follow from #5through #8. I need to write out where they go wrong and add details as to the wives.

Reminder The cousins to #8 that many people list are not actual first cousins. Their father, Luis, is actually brother to number 5, eights (Alfonso Sanchez (II) great grandfather. Luis's grandchildren are closer in age to #8 and his siblings. Actually # 8 Alfonso (II) is one of the youngest siblings so his older brothers may be closer to the ages of Luis's children from his second marriage. This is important to know when I give you more stories about these families.]

{months ago, I was about to send Mary Lou the family tree that I have put together that puts together the pieces that show who Toribio Hernandez de Arellano's parents are when I found a record in a Libro Verde that just destroyed what I thought was a high probability. I went to bed thinking that all my work on him, over thirty years of looking for his parents, had just gone down the drain. The record stated that they had no children. The record in this libro verde did have what I knew to be another mistake when it stated that the wife was an illegitimate daughter which I knew was false, so I held a slight, very slight hope, that it was mistaken since I had information that they did have children.

What made this even more depressing was that just before finding this horrible record, I had been super happy because I had just found information adding two more generations of this family taking it from the late 1300's to about 1295. Not only two generations but some story and information to go with the names. I had also found a beautiful letter written about Toribios great great great grandfather when he passed away. I was just about to send it when I found this devastating record.

The following morning I took another look at the record that had killed what I thought was a very high probability. It was so high that I was ready to say "this is it, these are his parents, no doubt about it, the pieces just fit too well". I was humbled all night and did not sleep well. I took another look at the record, with very little hope, but I couldn't resist looking at the note that destroyed my work. It turns out that there is a note attached on the side stating that this record is in error as there were documented sons of this couple. I had at least two sons for this couple, the younger son being Toribio. It turns out that my other information is correct and that I do have a very high probability having found his parents.

I do not have a document in Mexico stating who his parents are. The pieces of the puzzle for Toribio Hernandez Arellano do fit together to be the son of this couple. Only this record, that has been shown to be in error by the same source, was the main obstacle. This record actually made two mistakes and that is what gave me a slight hope, because I already knew that if there is one mistake, there is a chance of another. The reason that it has been difficult to find Toribios record in Mexico is that when he traveled to Mexico they may have been listed under his fathers surname, Sanchez, instead of his mother's Hernandez. The other reason is that when he traveled to Mexico he may have not bothered to register on board as it was illegal for him to travel as a known judeoconverso. Cousins of his that were Jewish traveled to South America legally but a big fuss was made about their religion and it became more difficult for Jews to travel to the "new world". Because of family connections it may have been easier to slip on board listed as a crew member since his family had connections with the ships captains and owners, along with royal connections as Toribio's brother, Alfonso Sanchez (III) Hernandez had taken over for their father in working for Aragon and in his shipping businesses. Two of Toribios daughters are surnamed Sanchez, not because of their mother, Isabel Hurtado de Mendoza, as many genealogists have assumed, but because of their paternal grandfather, Miguel Sanchez Dalmau.

I was hoping to share this information with Mariano Gonzalez Leal at the Aguasclientes conference this August but I won't be able to attend. I used to have his email but when my employer erased my emails when they switched to a different system I lost all of my contacts where I had communicated only through that email address. He will be happy to see the information even though it adds more judeoconverso family to the mix contrary to what he states in his book. He will love the letter and the info on the family from the fourteenth century and previous centuries. What he won't like is the scandals that Toribios grandfather and great uncles were involved in. There are family interactions with Cristobal Colon that are also interesting stories. There are other connections between the Sanchez and Italy.

Anyone wanting a specific document stating that the Toribio Hernandez of Nueva Galicia is the same one that is the son of Miguel Sanchez Dalmau will be disappointed because that I do not have. However we do have more threads to pull in our search because we now have more information showing a high probability of who his father is and that the record may be found in Mexico using the Sanchez surname and not the Hernandez surname that everyone was using in their search.}

I have not finished my book. I have more stories to add to show how all the pieces of the puzzle come together. My research into the Lomellini, Fernandez de Hijar, Christopher Colon, and the Perestrello families all came together and contributed to putting the pieces of the puzzle together. These families ended up being connected like a spider web, some by blood, others by business associates.

Rick A. Ricci