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Connection between Guzman family in Autlan/Tecolotlan, Jalisco and Compostela, Nayarit

By ssales1984 - Posted on 25 November 2015

Dear Members,
I have found additional information on the Guzmán family in Compostela Nayarit, who are tied to the Guzmán family in Tecolotlán, Autlán and Ejutla.

As far as we have been able to prove (mostly thanks to Enrique Agraz’s finds), Juan de Guzmán (ca. 1651-ca.1700), was the son of Miguel de Guzmán. There is a dispensa for Francisco Gonzalez Lozano seeking to marry Josepha de Velasco y Guzmán that proves this, as well as a the ordination papers of Gabriel de Araiza-Medina y Guzmán, grandson of Juan de Guzmán. Both were found by my colleague Enrique Agraz. The ordination papers also give the name of Juan’s mother, Ana Fernández de la Cueva. However we have yet to find the father of Miguel, let alone the original immigrant from Spain.

Once we found out Compostela was important I started searching through the records there. I did indeed find a Miguel de Guzmán, whose daughter Inés de Guzmán died in 1672. If it is the same Miguel, then Inés is sister to Juan de Guzmán. Here is record:

But there are a lot of other people with the Guzmán last name in Compostela as well. The one I find most interesting is a man named Álvaro Sánchez de Guzmán. So far, there are two areas of Mexico where I have found a man by that name: Autlán, Jalisco and Compostela, Nayarit. The first was married to Francisca Corona, see Whether or not they are the same person, I do not know, though by dates it is certainly possible.
Speaking the Alvaro from Compostela, he was widowed in 1638 when his wife Francisca de Colio died. It may be that she is the mother of Miguel de Guzmán, but I have no evidence as of yet besides chronology. Francisca’s death record is here:,176795502,177251501

I am fairly convinced that Álvaro remarried, and am pretty sure that Álvaro’s first last name of “Sánchez” is a patronymic, meaning Álvaro Sánchez de Guzmán’s children would be named Guzmán, and not Sánchez. Proof of this is in his death record from 1670 which I found a few days ago where his son an heir’s last name is Perez de Guzmán, not Sánchez de Guzmán. This would also tie them to the noble line of the Guzmán, as Pérez de Guzmán was the common last name of the noble house of Guzmán.

The death record of Alvaro Sánchez de Guzmán is here:,176795502,177251501

The transcription reads:
“[Al margen] Albaro Sanches de Gusman= testo
En la Ciudad de Comp.a en dos dias del mes de Junio de mil y seiscientos y setenta años murio murio [sic.] y se enterro en la Parroquia della Albaro Sanches de gusman marido de doña Jna. De Tobar y Villalva Resivio [sic.] todos los Sstos. Sacram.tos que yo le administre – hisso [sic.] testamento que otorgo ante Jn.o peres Cortes Ordinario. Manda se entierre en la Parroquia desta dha. Ciudad y que se le diga missa [sic.] cantada con bigilia [sic.] de cuerpo presente Ofrendada de sera [sic.] pan y bino [sic.]. y un novenario de missas cantadas y otra de onrras ofrendadas todas, mas dexa que se le digan dose missas resadas = a las mandas forsosas [sic.] manda se les den a dos Rs. A cada una = y a cofradía del SS.mos Sacram.tos desta ciudad, quince ducados. Y mas una beserra [sic.]= y a la hermandad del entierro de Xpto [Cirsto] manda se den quarto beserras. Deja Por sus herederos y albaceas a sus hijos Sebastian peres de Gusman. Y a doña Jn.a de tobar su mujer = y p.a que conste lo firme … vt supra
Rubrica: Diego de Galvez y Lopez”
Again, I can’t prove it, but I do think the Alvaro married to Francisca de Colio was the same one above who died in 1670 and left Juana de Tovar a widow.
Then in 1699 there is a Sebastián de Guzmán (probably Álvaro’s son and heir)and his wife María de la Cueva, who baptized a son (creatively) named Álvaro on 7 Jul 1699. This furthers the link, the child was likely named for his paternal grandfather.,176795502,176795503
Six months later there is a Diego Dávalos y Ulibarri and Teresa de Gusman baptizing their daughter Maria Teressa on 14 Mar 1700. This is extremely interesting because D. Diego is the brother of the 1st Count of Miravalle, Alonso de Avalos (or Davalos)

I have therefore found the following interesting pattern in this family:
1) They have a preference for naming their sons Álvaro and Sebastián
2) They intermarry with the de la Cueva family

This is also true of the line I descend from. Juan de Guzmán had a son named Álvaro in 1691 in Tecolotlán Juan’s grandson in turn was named Sebastián.
By way of conclusion I will only say that I need to find a document that proves the link between individuals beyond all doubt. I HOPE to find that Miguel de Guzmán was the son of Álvaro Sánchez de Guzmán, but the ordination papers of Gabriel de Araiza y Guzmán DO show that the Guzmán family in Jalisco around Autlán, Tecolotlán, and Ejutla is clearly linked to the Guzmán family in Compostela Nayarit. My research is showing that there was a very real presence of the Guzmán family in the Compostela of the mid 1600s, and possibly earlier. We will have to keep looking for more evidence.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sergio Salés