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Can someone help deciper this one line? "En La Noa......." year 1606

By MADERA_32 - Posted on 23 October 2015

It is the year 1606 Pasajero de Indias documdent for "Joan De Angon" on the very top of first page there is a line which has the name of the ship he traveled on which says:

"En La Noa............"

I can make out the other words which is the name of the ship. "Noa" is the class of ship. so that is how I know right away it is talking about the name of the ship he traveled on.

Here is a copy of first page:

The link:

Reference number for Pars website: CONTRATACION,5295,N.10

I have another way to find the name of the ship where Joan De Angon traveled on.

You can do a search for "Lista De Pasajeros" and add the year 1606 in the Pars website.

When you do a search for "Lista De Pasajeros" in Pars. It gives you a number of documents that contains names of ships and lists of names of people that was on board each ship.