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Dispensa Isabel Sanchez de Porras and Miguel de la Mora Hurtado de Mendoza viudo Getrudis de Alderete

By 245luigi - Posted on 28 August 2015

I found this very nice dispensa (thanks to Katy's website) for the marriage of Isabel Sanchez de Porras to Miguel de la Mora Hurtado de Mendoza widow of Getrudis de Alderete,171974101,179948201

Its a nice dispensa because it includes more information than average and clarifies the Sanchez de Porras lines. Included is

Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo 1 Leonor de Hermosillo
Leonor Gonzalez de Hermosillo 2 Francisco Gutierrez de Hermosillo
Geronimo Sanchez de Porras 3 Leonor Gutierrez de Hermosillo
Isabel Sanchez de Porras 4 Miguel de la Mora

The significant other of each person is listed as well (except for Leonor Gutierrez de Hermosillo, which through other sources I know to be Juan de la Mora)

Juan Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Ana Gonzalez Florida
Leonor Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Geronimo Sanzhez de Porras, el Viejo (Captain)
Geronimo Sanchez de Porras, el Mozo (Captain) and Maria Anna Suarez de Ibarra

Leonor de Hermosillo and Miguel Gutierrez
Francisco Gutierrez de Hermosillo and Juana Carvajal

Witnesses include Juan Sanchez de Porras (Captain, I also have seen him as Sargent) son of Geronimo Sanchez de Porras, el Viejo and Pedro Sanchez de Porras (Alferez), also son of Geronimo Sanchez de Porras, el Viejo. It is also explicity stated that Miguel Gutierrez and Ana Gonzalez Florida are siblings, so the top of the lineages are a pair of sibling who married another pair of siblings.

I figure I'd post this dispensa because of all of the many details it has. I have seen on many online trees that Geronimo is married to both Leonor Gonzalez de Hermosillo and Maria Ana Suarez de Ibarra. I also noticed the dispensa states that Francisco Gutierrez de Hermosillo married Juana de Carvajal. Is the use of this surname correct? I havent researched her but many trees show that her surname should be Lomelin or Benavides and she married Rodrigo Carvajal.