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Roots So Deep

By Yolie - Posted on 27 July 2015

Greetings fellow history buffs, researchers and Sherlock Holmes types. I
feel privileged to become a member of this group. I became interested in
genealogy after my mother passed away in 2009 and I realized she was the
last person left from her family line. I know I felt empty and lost without
her and at the same time wondered where our cousins and the rest of our
ancestors. We talked about family when mother was alive, but, I never
really paid attention or really listened. I decided back then I had to find
the answers and perhaps connect with cousins I never knew. I've been
digging for five years now and have found many answers but with the answers
came the mysteries. So interesting how women were molded to think and how
the rules for proper anything were one sided. I spend to much time
researching, so I'm told. I'm like a detective who has to solve a mystery
that just keeps haunting my mind.

My family roots come from the state of Zacatecas and my roots are the Tello
family lineage. San Pedro Ocampo, Melchor Ocampo, Concepcion Del Oro,
Mezquital Del Oro, Bonanza, Cedros are just a few towns and church names
I've found along the trenches. One place I have not found information on is
"Rancho de Los Tellos" where some of my ancestors were born and married.
The men in the family worked the silver mines, so they moved around the
various towns to work. They also lived to the San Luis Potosi and Saltillo,
Coahuila; many were born and died in there. I found myself overwhelmed with
discoveries I never imagined would keep me awake at night. My detective
type mind swells with thoughts and solutions to these mysterious puzzles
called family roots. I know nothing about Mexico and the states my roots
came from. I read about Mexico and try to imagine my ancestors there during
the 1700-1900s. I now see how brave and hard working my ancestors were. I
could never survive those conditions and extremely hard work, what a
spoiled human being I am.

I am Yolanda Kline and hope that I will find more answers with the help of
this great meeting room.