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about records not available on familysearch

By katy_brecht_quesada - Posted on 19 July 2015

Is there anyway to view either a digital copy or at least an index with parents names for records in towns such as colotlan, jerez, tepetongo, huejucar, or tlaltnenango. For example, there's record gaps in jerez and tlaltnenago.

In jerez there's no baptism records between 1840-1866,1720 's (-ish)-1745,1785-1796,1801-1805,1816-1818 or 1829-1835, but yet you can find baptism records between mid 1600's-early 1700's, 1746-1749,1755-1758, 1761-1784,1797-1800, 1806-1815,1819-1828, 1836-1840, and 1867-1960. Another example would be how there's no marriage records from 1705-1712 in the tlaltenango matrimonios 1626-1723.

i'd also like to see more marriage records in tepetongo pre-1819(there's only a few select marriage records from 1770's in one of the tepetongo baptism record collection),pre-1720 colotlan marriage records, or pre-1765 baptisms and marriage records in huejucar.