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Can someone help me read the name on this line of year 1649 Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico?

By MADERA_32 - Posted on 12 May 2015

I was looking at entierros of Jerez, Zacatecas, Mexico and on page 10 which is year 1649:

I underlined in green the name "Angon" can any of you tell me if I am write it says "Angon?" What is the first name?

Here is the link where I found it and is pg 10, left side near the top:,147336902,152162801

I am tracking Joan (Juan) De Angon who had a rancho in 1633 near Jerez:

This rancho was exactly located here:

I know that he had a son named "Esteban Angon."

I believe Joan Angon is the grandfather of my 7th generation great grandmother "Maria De La Candelaria Angon (1655 - 1709) who married Antonio Madera (1660 - 1709).