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Help with Y-DNA - Standard Y-STR Values from DNA experts at Nuestros Ranchos

By rmcneal103 - Posted on 18 April 2015

I just received the Family tree Y DNA results from my Uncle's DNA test. Of the 58 values on his Y-DNA - Standard Y-STR he matches 51 exactly with another person the other 7 are:
DYS19 other person 15 uncle's 14
DYS448 other person 18 uncle's 19
DYS464 other person 14-15-17-17 uncle's 15-15-17-17
YCAII other person 19-23 uncle's 19-21
DYS576 other person 20 uncle's 19
DYS444 other person 13 uncle's 12
DYS446 other person 12 uncle's 13

In the family trees of both families it shows they are descended 9 generations back from Francisco Reynoso. Do these results confirm that connection given that baptism and marriage dispensation records back it up?

Thank you in advance for educating me on DNA interpretation.