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Escrituras 1691 - 1738, Padrones 1639 - 1735

By MADERA_32 - Posted on 26 October 2014

I was looking at microfilm of Escrituras:
Escrituras 1691 - 1738
Film/DGS # 169054

I only looked at the first few pages as immediately I was reading a lot of interesting things and how the seals/stamps that were on the escrituras. I only read the first few pages because I ended up chatting about geneology with one of the aides at the LDS center that was helping me make copies. The title of the microfilm is:

Archivo De La Sagrada Mita
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Hojas Sueltas, Siglo XVII

But when I first began reading the first pages I was seeing escrituras dating back to 1598!! I wrote down some notes on what one said, "Bellade San Felipe 28 de Septiembre 1598 Trespaso Valle de San Francisco, Juan Diaz Domingo Palacios. Hacienda de Domingo Gallegos 1597" as example. I liked the seal/stamp I saw on another escritura year 1707 and made two copies of it:

And the seal/stamp on the first page of this escritura year 1692/1693:

I am looking for the Escrituras of my GGGGGGG Grandfather Antonio Madera (1660 - 1709) from Minilla, Mezquitic, Jalisco, Mexico area. His wife Maria De La Canderlia (1655 - 1735) had left a testamento at Monte Escobedo, Zacatecas, Mexico.

I was also looking at

Padrones 1639 - 1775
Film/DGS # 168804

Didn't find the census of our region in the Huejuquilla/Mezquitic. I wrote some notes on what it contained:

Xalpa - 1769 census
Monterrey, Valle De La Pinas - 1762 Census
Rancho Del Maraoach???
Villa de ? Caliente Census
Pueblo Teoquitatlan 1765 Census
Hacienda de Toluquilla

There are census of several villages I am not familiar with in that microfilm. I made a copy of the title page of one of the Census in that microfilm which is this:

I am not familiar with that place. Where is it?