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Fojas Perdidas

By makas_nc - Posted on 11 June 2014

Please call Carlos Yturralde and let him know we are interested in this project.

From: Carlos Yturralde []
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 12:54 PM
Subject: Fojas Perdidas

Hi Joseph,
The Hispanic Heritage Project has just started a project called “Fojas Perdidas.” We as researchers will come against a wall where the paper trail has come to an abrupt end where there are no records. Our quest is to find those records.
For those of us who are doing Hispanic research in Mexico, we use FamilySearch, which is our greatest source of information. We are eternally grateful for the work that the Utah Genealogy Society has done in microfilming the Catholic sacramental records as well as the Priest who diligently recorded that history. We likewise are indebted to FamilySearch in digitizing those records and continuing imaging more records and having access to those images online.
What most researchers are not aware of is that when the Utah Genealogy Society microfilmed the parish records, they filmed the copies that were kept in the diocese. As is the practice, the Church requires each parish to create two copies. One is kept at the parish and the other sent to the diocese archive. We have found that sometimes not all the copies made their way to the diocese and are still in the parishes not yet filmed or imaged. These are the missing records we shall find and image. In a few cases there were small parishes that were not filed at all. Our goal is to identify those fojas perdidas and work to get them online.
This requires a small pueblito. We have a volunteer camera operator to image the records, but we need volunteers to create tables of content of the images that are online. Then the camera operator can use it to identify the missing records so they can then be imaged and made available on FamilySearch. Since one of the areas we are looking into is Jalisco we are hoping maybe Nuestros Ranchos would join our effort. Give it some thought and if you think that is possible please give me a call.
Carlos Yturralde
Hispanic Heritage Project