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Defunto Don Fernando

By mendezdetorres - Posted on 23 May 2014

You can call me Daniel. Genealogy has always been a passion and it requires dedication, each link with a document. Everything carefully cited and documented. People call me annoying, but truly it is an art. If organization is annoying people won't make it far in research. Being meticulous is key in this field. Keep in mind, that people traveled a lot during colonial times. It can be as exaggerated as your Madera coming from Mexico City, do not be surprised. I have one line from Puebla who Agustin Ruiz de Velasco y Puga Villanueva traveled all the way to Puebla just to marry his second cousin on his maternal side and to bring his wife back to Guadalajara and that is where they settled, he being from Ayotlan. If I never had familysearch, I would have never guessed they married in Puebla. Who would have thought! I have not done much research in Huejuquilla, which is on the extreme north end of Jalisco bordering Zacatecas, but it is obvious you knew that. I am finding Don Fernando de Arguelles interesting, so I saved a copy. I believe there may be a connection with Arguelles y Miranda, so I will archive it, until I decide or find more information later to pursue it. You will learn this, saving pieces of the puzzle now and later putting it together will be a godsend. I know the Juan de Arguelles y Miranda, who was secretary of the Viceroy had many nephews, so Zacatecas being so close, exists a possibility. Now I have to ask more questions and find documents.

Thank you for demonstrating strong demeanor in you're research. I have been following your posts, but rarely post.

Good luck on the never-ending research,
Daniel Méndez de Torres C.