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New member introduction (Paige Herrera)

By iChristopher - Posted on 15 February 2014

Welcome to the group Paige.  I recognized the name Zenon Villalobos because I came across it once
before when I was looking for my Villalobos ancestors, so, I did a quick search
and although I don’t descend from him, I do directly descend from his grandparents
which are my sixth great grandparents -Don José Ygnacio de Villalobos and Doña
María Antonia Josefa Ponce. It also seems like you might not be using Family
Search. You’ll be able to get much farther in your genealogical search using 
Pablo Villalobos like you said was born 22 Mar, 1891 in
Rancho del Refugio de Parga, Aguascalientes. He is the son of Jose Onofre Villalobos
and Juana Torres. Pablo Villalobos paternal grandparents are listed as Zenon
Villalobos and Librada Medina. His maternal Grandparents are listed as Narciso
Torres and Filomena Hernandez. Here is the link to his baptism:
Jose Onofre Villalobos, was born 12 Jun 1861 in Rancho de
los Alonzos, Aguascalientes. Jose Onofre Villalobos is the son of Zenon
Villalobos and Librada Medina. His paternal grandparents are Jose Mariano (Aniceto)
Villalobos and Ysabel Fonseca. His maternal grandparents are Nabor Medina and
Merced Pedroza. Here is the link to his baptism:
Zenon Villalobos was born Jun 1820, he is the son of Jose
Mariano (Aniceto) Villalobos and Ysabel Fonseca. His paternal grandparents are
listed as Ygnacio de Villalobos and (María) Antonia Ponse. His maternal
grandparents are listed as Jose (Ygnacio) Fonseca and Maria (Ana Gertrudis)
Guebara. Here is the link to his baptism:
Jose Mariano Aniceto Villalobos was born 17 Apr, 1795 in
Aguascalientes. His baptism says Jose Mariano Aniceto, espl, … hijo de Don
Ygnacio de Villalobos and Doña María Antonia Ponce. Here is the link to his
Mariano married Ysabel Fonseca 31 Aug, 1814 in Aguascalientes.
On the marriage record it lists him as Mariano Villalobos, Español, originario
y vecino de esta villa (Aguascalientes), hijo legitimo de Ygnacio Villalobos,
difunto y María Antonia Ponce: con Ysabel Fonseca, Española, orignario de
Lagos,… hija legitima de Ygnacio Fonseca y Ana Gertrudis de Guebara. Here is
the link:
Don Ygnacio de Villalobos and Doña María Antonia Ponce were
married 15 Sep 1781 in Aguascalientes. His marriage record lists him as Don
Jose Ygnacio de Villalobos, Español… hijo de Don Pedro Pablo de Villalobos y
Doña Antonia Martinez de Sotomayor viudo de Maria de (?) Muños con Doña María
Antonia Ponce, Española, originaria y vecina de la (?) … hija legitima de Don
Juan Antonio Ponce y Doña María Gertrudis de Torres. Here is the link to their
I’m not sure who the parents of Don Juan Antonio Ponce y Doña
María Gertrudis de Torres are. I can’t find a marriage with those names. There
is a marriage in the same time frame for a Juan Antonio de Dios Rodríguez Ponce
and a María Gertrudis de la Torre, but I’m not sure it’s the same couple.
Maybe, someone out there could confirm.
Don Pedro Pablo de Villalobos’s wife Doña Antonia Martinez
de Sotomayor died Apr 1790. Her death record lists her as Doña Antonia Martinez
de Sotomayor, Española, de esta Villa, hija legitima de Don Jose Martinez de Sotomayor
y Doña Graviela Romo, defuntos, viuda de Don Pedro Pablo de Villalobos. I can’t
find the parents of Don Jose Martinez de Sotomayor or Doña Graviela Romo. I
think her name is probably Gabriela Romo, but I still can’t find the parents
for her or Don Jose Martinez de Sotomayor. Maybe someone else in the forum
might know. Here is the link to her death record:
Don Pedro Pablo de Villalobos died Aug 1783. His death
certificate lists him as hijo legitimo de Don Isidro de Villalobos y de Doña
Gertrudis González de Ruvalcaba.  Here is
the link to the death record:
Doña Gertrudis González de Ruvalcaba is the son of José
González de Ruvalcaba and Petra Díaz Montañez. Don Isidro de
Villalobos born Jan 1692 is the son of Isidro de Villalobos and Francisca
Gertrudis de Escoto y Tovar.
Isidro de Villalobos is the son of Francisco de Villalobos
and María
Vázquez de Retamosa. Francisco de Villalobos and María Vázquez de Retamosa were married 22
May, 1640. Francisco de Villalobos is listed as hijo legitimo de Cristóbal de
Villalobos y María Pérez de Nava. María Vázquez de Retamosa is
listed as hija de Gaspar Macías Valadez y Mariana de Torres. Here is the link to
their marriage
That’s all I know. There are probably others in the group with
more information. Good luck with your search.
Christopher de Cuellar